You can install, update and remove any plugin with just a few clicks. This makes the plugin management job super easy.

Plugin Admin is a built-in plugin manager for Notepad++ which helps to install, update, remove the plugins. Let’s discuss plugin admin and see how you can use it to install, update and remove the plugin. Now, Notepad++ comes with a built-in module called Plugin Admin. This was removed starting from version 7.5. Please share and subscribe.Notepad++ used to come with a pre-installed plugin called Plugin Manager to install, update and remove the plugin. Javascript does not work the way it should, but you can use this JSTool plugin to Minimize Javascript and work on JSON.

"para": "A meta-markup language, used to create markup languages such as DocBook." "para": "A meta-markup language, used to create markup languages such as DocBook.",

"GlossTerm": "Standard Generalized Markup Language", This options format the JSON in same windows while JSFOAMT (new open) open a new window. This functionality was not available in JSON Viewer Plugins. You can even select the individual nodes and the plugin highlights the same in the Notepad++ editor. This option opens a frame on the right-hand side which shows JSON as a tree. This should format the JavaScript, but it is not working for me. The JSMin(New File) option compress and open the minimized file in the new editor window.Īfter Min alert("Hello, World ") Format JavaScript This removes all the blank spaces to compress JavaScript. Now let’s see how to use this Javascript plugin. The plugin should be available under plugin Menu in the toolbar as shown in the below image. You have successfully installed the plugin.